You only have 7 seconds to create a make a good first impression. A good personal brand ensures you are never overlooked at work again. People will remember the great impression you left them with and will be happy to work with you.
Be seen as a professional
Do you worry that people don’t take you seriously or that you’re not good enough? We can work together to be Remarkable and professional.
Let candidates run after you!
Be the employer of choice
Recruitment is a two-way street in which each party is marketing itself to the other. Be aware that you’re not the only one that is in an active search and prospection, but candidates too. So have such an approach that people think of you whenever a new opportunity is created.
Work on your presence.
Build a personal brand and work on your confidence
Do you feel insecure and uncomfortable when you have to initiate a conversation and introduce yourself? You’re not confident when you have to attend an interview for a job or when you have to present your ideas at work? What if you no longer feel awkward about all of these? Train the attitude is the key to success!
If you are interested in a fully customized modern etiquette experience, please inquire below. We can create a unique etiquette workshop, training, or one-to-one session that is entirely suited to your interests and needs.